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Epic Stories in a Flash

Brief Narratives, Monumental Echoes

10 minute trip


The cinematic experience we aim for is one where our customers can enjoy films

as casually as they choose clothes in their daily life, or listen to music.

The charm of short films lies in their ability to convey simple yet concentrated ideas, stories,

and emotions within a brief and limited timeframe.

Short films represent a new medium, capable of delivering the same emotional impact

and lingering feelings as feature-length films.

In our busy daily lives, the act of 'watching a movie' can seem simple yet is often challenging.

The films distributed on SAMANSA average 10-15 minutes in length. They offer a special experience

where you can gain the excitement of seeing landscapes you've never seen, learning about unfamiliar cultures,

and hearing stories you've never experienced, all within 10 minutes.

Short Films

About New Media 

Short films refer to movies that are less than 45 minutes in length.

In an era where two-hour films are the norm, the world is still brimming with beautiful and moving short stories.

Sometimes, these stories can have an impact that exceeds that of two-hour movies.

SAMANSA has embarked on distributing short films with the dream of bringing such valuable stories to audiences worldwide.


Their Voices

SAMANSA maintains a close relationship with film creators.

We have direct contracts with creators from around the world, engaging in the unusual practice

within the short film industry of ensuring that the filmmakers are compensated for their work."





ショートフライトでも、乗客はくつろぎ空間でよりリッチなひとときを堪能 2024年5月1日から、株式会社SAMANSA(本社:東京都渋谷区)と株式会社スターフライヤー(本社:福岡県北九州市)はフライト中にショート映画を楽しめる取り組みを開始します。...




『SSTRUCK OUT!』と『ONLY SAMANSA KNOWS』がSAMANSA〈サマンサ〉公式YouTubeチャンネルにて配信開始 世界中のショート映画が見放題のサブスク「SAMANSA〈サマンサ〉」を提供する株式会社SAMANSA(本社:東京都渋谷区)が、公式Yo...




めざせ!切り出し職人とは 巷の動画クリエイターたちがテレビ朝日の番組を題材に、30秒の切り出し動画を制作!新内眞衣と寺川アナが、クリエイターが制作した動画の面白さや編集技術を語りる番組です。 放送された映画はこちら👇 『フィーリング・スルー』(18分24秒)...


7-Day Free Trial

Enjoy a collection of top notch short films!

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Work Submission

Seeking For New Vision, New Idea, and New Story

We are always searching for new creators, works, and scripts from all over the world. Selected works will be streamed and showcased on SAMANSA. Would you like to distribute your short film on SAMANSA?

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